Service Overview

One of the most beautiful uses of Earth Pigments is in lime plaster. This combination of lime and pigment form a coating with a beautiful light refraction and colour that is unmatched by synthetic dyes. All of our pigments except for those in the Primaries Category are suitable for use in lime. Natural Earths and Ochres and our Colonial Naturals will give the most traditional and natural tones. Oxides produce the strongest colours.

Lime plasters are unique in their instructions for application, and the additional techniques that can be used with them. Cement Stuccos differ in application and are discussed in our Decorative Concrete and Stucco page. To obtain coloured lime plaster, Ochres or pigments are added to the plaster mix - the amount is a percentage of the weight of lime used. This amount is limited and will depend on the depth of tint desired and whether the pigment is a natural one or a manufactured Oxide.

As one observes the finishes seen on buildings of ancient India, the most outstanding feature is not only the colour but the depth of it. Often customers will ask how such a deep colour can be achieved, a depth more like the pigment itself. It is because these traditional finishes are pure lime allowing for techniques not possible with other types of coating. Lime differs from any other type of plaster in the way colour can be applied. Because of its purity and the unique carbonation process, pigment can be used in additional ways to create depth of colour not attainable with other types of coatings.

Clay & Lime paint

Limix clay paints are very easy to apply and suitable for covering interior walls and ceilings. Surfaces covered with clay paint are matte and pastel-like and do not reflect light. They have good coverage and add character to smooth surfaces, leaving on a slight texture. It is breathable paint, which allows water vapor to flow through the surface easily. It does not contain any volatile organic compounds or synthetic preservatives and are suitable for people with allergies.

Clay finish paints are most famous for their rough and playful surfaces. It can be used as a finishing layer or as a base coat for different surfaces and often chosen for its many uses.

Why choose clay plaster?

The use of clay plaster in interior decoration is healthy for both the wall structures of the building and the residents of the house. Clay plaster regulates humidity, is suitable for allergy sufferers. It prevents electromagnetic radiation and helps to neutralize unpleasant odors. Clay plaster is 100% natural and recyclable and has many soft and natural colors available.

We use only pure natural clays of different shades to achieve the color of the clay plaster, and most of it comes from the immediate area, just a few hundred kilometers from Moose.

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